Friday, October 1, 2010

Chipmonk Sentinels

I was astounded to log in to my blog and realize that it's been almost a month since I posted!  Time flies when you're having fun, and when you're immersing yourself in a new life.

The minister's office in this Parish House offers a lovely, lovely view onto Diamond Park, the center of Meadville.  Work in the last 8 weeks has included shifting furniture around in the minister's office to take advantage of the view, a world framed in green at varying levels, from the ground cover plants to the shade tree, and all the bushes in between.  The chipmonks make mad dashes from bush to groundcover, and back again, marking the passing of the day.  This afternoon one took a breather on a ledge right outside my window, hunkered out of the chilly wind, and I had the chance to study it for awhile -- I've never seen a chipmonk in stillness, and he/she was quite beautiful in all his brown/red/black/white wonder, with almond eyes that were taking in the same view that I enjoy every day.

Some trees are beginning to show their fall colors; many are losing their leaves; and I know that soon my view onto the Diamond will be framed by bare branches and snow-blanketed bushes that hunker in their own way, faithfully waiting for Spring.  I am glad for this minister's study, with its beautiful view, this sanctuary that lets me ponder, pray, write, organize, imagine, counsel, care and dream of many passing seasons in this community, as I gratefully serve this congregation.

The busy-ness of the day calls...I have a sermon to write, and an animal blessing, and two classes for which I need to prepare, and a newsletter article to write, and a pastoral call to make...I am as busy as my chipmonk sentinels, racing back and forth with purpose, and always grateful for this blessed work to which I have been called.  But I am grateful for this afternoon's respite, in the good company of a lingering chipmonk whose own gaze reminded me to take time for gazing.


  1. I love this post. I'm glad that you have a blog,it's a great way to get to know you as a member of the congregation.

    I know that you are very busy, but I hope to see more posts from you. And of course, feel free to stop by my blog any time.

  2. I love the way you spell chipmunk. Makes them more, I don't know, sacred :)

  3. Hi, Anne - Glad you got it, I did that on purpose! :)
