Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Letter to Our Youth Group

Dear Polytheistic Snuggie Cult of Meadville a/k/a The UU Church of Meadville Youth Group,

I've been missing you!  Our paths may not often cross (not often enough, for sure!) – but, there was something so comforting about your being upstairs on certain Sunday afternoons.  After the intensity of the morning worship service I really enjoyed spending some time with you – it was one of the few times of the week when I felt truly relaxed.  I love the way you are so comfortable with one another – the way you know each other so well…you've spent important time together.  I love the way you skip from topic to topic, and back again, without missing a beat.  I love your curiosity, and I especially love the questions you ask (especially the hard questions). 

So in case there's any doubt about it, let me remind you that you mean a lot to me, and to our Congregation, and we all wish that we could see you more.  You're a part of us, an important part of us, and I don't want the connections to disappear.  I know that you're all incredibly busy and committed, and that Sunday is a day of rest for you – maybe even your only day to sleep in.  I also know that Ariel, Christian and Mary have been committed to the youth group and have shown up only to have no one else there (not trying to make anyone feel guilty, but I have to acknowledge that they've spent time preparing for the time with you, and we need to be respectful of their time and intentions).  So what should we do?  Is it time for the youth group to take a formal hiatus again?  Is a commitment to one Sunday per month a possibility?  What are your ideas?

I'd love to hear from you about what you want and what you need. 

Here's what we need:  for you to know that we care about you; for you to know that you're a valued part of our congregational life together; and for you to know about Unitarian Universalism and congregational life in ways that will matter to you as you make your way into the world…it's painful to hear a young adult say, "I don't really know what UU is all about – even though I spent years in the RE program and youth group."  We want to do better than this!

So please be in touch with me, Ariel, Christian or Mary and let's continue the conversation.
